BJP supporters holding cutouts of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, celebrate with colours, as the party heads to a landslide victory in UP Assembly elections, at the party office, in Lucknow (Photo: PTI)
Live news updates: The BJP’s victory win in Uttar Pradesh on Thursday “gives a glimpse” of the outcome of the general elections of 2024, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi, predicting a third straight term for the party at the Centre.
About 40,000 civilians were able to leave combat zones on Thursday, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said in a video address. He said Russian attacks are preventing evacuations from southern cities including Mariupol.
European Union leaders meeting in France remained split over how quickly Ukraine’s membership process should advance, with several eastern members asking for a stronger declaration in support of Kyiv’s bid. The bloc is also weighing a plan to end energy dependence on Russia by 2027. Oil prices declined for a second day.
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