How to Use the Lymphatic Drainage Body Tool

Do you know skin needs to work from the inside to look nice? However, very few people follow natural ways to make their skin look brighter and have a smooth texture. The natural ways produce the collagen that is responsible for clear and healthy skin. The lymphatic drainage body tool is one of the best natural methods to make the skin look youthful. Even some patients are told to use the lymphatic drainage facial massage to reduce the swelling. 

Before knowing the correct way to use the lymphatic drainage tool. There can be some readers who have no idea what this tool is. No worries, you can continue reading to have a basic understanding of this incredible tool. 

What is Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

Lymphatic drainage massage is a technique that gives light pressure on the skin and involves specific motions that gradually drain out extra fluid. When massaging in the correct motion, the circulatory system is improved and balances the fluid. In other words, it removes toxins and wastes from the body. 

Lymph is a fluid that improves the functioning of our lymphatic system containing glucose, oxygen, amino acids, and many other crucial nutrients. Hence, it gives life to each cell in our body. When eliminating the impurities and chemicals, the lymphatic system that is connected to the immune system gets stronger. 

It’s essential to maintain the lymphatic system that is based on our type of diet and exercise. Unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system properly relies on the lymphatic massage tool. 

How to Use:

1: Firstly, you need to moisturize the area where you need to massage with the lymphatic tool. One can use coconut oil or jojoba oil for good moisture. Allow the tool to roll gently and smoothly throughout the body. 

  1. Now, you need to awaken the lymphatic system by pumping the two main lymph nodes in the body. You might be wondering where? Pump the knees back side & underneath the armpits at least five times each. This will detoxify the body.
  1. Once the above step is done, hold the tool in a horizontal position. Start by gently rubbing starting at the ankle toward the inner thigh in an upward motion. Repeat this for 3-7 times for each leg.
  1. Now, hold the tool in a vertical position, like the above step, move it in an upward position. However, it should be towards the outer thigh. Again repeat it 3-7 times for both sides of the leg.
  1. Massage on the legs backside by holding the tool in a vertical position. We recommend using a chair to reach the knees back side by moving the tool in an upward motion till the tool reaches the gluteal fold.
  1. Use the massage tool in a vertical position on the arms. Ensure you are following the smooth and soft strokes as you move the tool wrist to armpit. The motion should be on the outer parts of each arm 3-7 times.

The lymphatic system plays a significant role in immunity and healing. Hence, the tool is the right yet natural way to improve skin conditions and the lymphatic system.