Curvalux and Cambridge Broadband Networks merge to accelerate wireless access technologies - Best Business Review Site 2024

Curvalux and Cambridge Broadband Networks merge to accelerate wireless access technologies


SHEFFIELD, UK – October 3 2022 – A merger between Curvalux UK Ltd and Cambridge Broadband Networks Group (CBNG) was completed today to achieve the technology innovation required to realise the ever-increasing global demand for highspeed Fixed Wireless Access (FWA).

The merger will combine the experienced heritage of CBNG with Curvalux’s ground-breaking technology for the timely delivery of disruptive 5G solutions worldwide. The two companies will remain independent with CBNG becoming a subsidiary of Curvalux UK Ltd.

Curvalux and Cambridge Broadband Networks

Curvalux and Cambridge Broadband Networks

“We are beyond excited to merge with a best-of-class company like CBNG and realise our shared vision to jointly develop revolutionary products, leveraging CBNG’s extensive experience and our patented, innovative technologies,” said Richard Pak, CEO of the Curvalux Group. “With this merger, I believe we have found a perfect marriage of industry know-how and disruptive innovation. We will work tirelessly together to transform the wireless market with sustainable technologies that extend fast, reliable and low-cost connectivity to all communities around the world, connecting the neglected and unconnected, while promoting sustainable and fair economic growth.”

CBNG’s VP R&D and Operations Mark Hanman said: “Curvalux really captured our attention with its pioneering new phased array technology, and we became rapidly aware of a potentially unique synergy between our two companies – it felt like we spoke the same language. Combining the two companies’ complementary portfolios and roadmaps will dramatically multiply the overall value proposition for telco carriers and WISPs and allow for a highly comprehensive level of choice of the best technical solution for every kind of FWA scenario.”

According to ABI research, FWA is the fastest growing residential broadband market segment globally with 5G to account for 40% of FWA Market in 2026. The resulting combination of entrepreneurial drive, industry experience and disruptive technologies derived from the merger between CBNG and Curvalux will deliver smarter solutions for fixed wireless broadband, ensuring an optimal approach to network deployment with an efficient use of spectrum in both licensed and unlicensed bands. The introduction of ground-breaking technologies will enable mobile operators to exponentially increase their mobile network densification and capacity at a fraction of the cost in CapEx and OpEx.

CBNG has been delivering market leading mmWave point-to-multi-point (PTMP) products for more than 20 years, helping more than 100 hundred telecom operators, WISPs and municipalities across the world grow and develop their networks. As a result of the pandemic and greater bandwidth demands, more user traffic than ever before is being passed across networks built on CBNG’s highly reliable and versatile VectaStar technology which provides CBNG’s global customers with a cost-effective, high-capacity edge in the highly competitive broadband market. CBNG is now working at pace to add a fully compliant 5G NR solution to its portfolio to meet an ever evolving and growing global demand for FWA.

Curvalux’s patented antenna design for FWA enables telecom operators to extend services to unserved and underserved remote areas with a faster deployment time and much lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) than fiber installation. With just one multibeam antenna, Curvalux can connect hundreds of users with 10 times faster speeds using significantly less power and with much less interference than conventional wireless broadband. The technology has been validated in multiple commercial pilots across four continents and was first adopted by a major mobile network operator to provide affordable, high-speed internet to low-income families in the Philippines.


About Curvalux
Curvalux designs, manufactures, and implements cutting edge wireless broadband technologies, offering solutions that are connecting the unconnected around the world. Curvalux delivers higher capacity, lower power consumption, and longer range to reach consumers in both rural and urban areas thanks to its innovative systems and carrier-grade processes. The company has developed advanced multibeam antenna systems both in the unlicensed sub-6GHz band as well as in the mmWave frequencies. Curvalux is currently developing a patented proprietary mobile repeater technology that will allow existing mobile base stations to dramatically increase its mobile network capacity up to 100x while significantly reducing overall investment and recurring expenses. The products, solutions, and services provided by Curvalux will reduce carbon footprint, improve the telecommunications network performance, and reduce operators’ CAPEX and OPEX.

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About Cambridge Broadband Networks
CBNG has developed a leading range of mmWave platforms. The highly successful VectaStar product is the most widely deployed and referenced licensed point-to-multipoint network solution in the world. More than 150 customers are currently using it in over 50 countries worldwide for enterprise access, mobile backhaul, small cell backhaul and ISP networks, with CBNG’s customers including seven of the world’s top 10 mobile operators. Over the last 20 years, CBNG has established key strategic relationships with telecommunication operators and service providers that benefit from field proven equipment and efficient network deployment with high performance and profit in mind. By utilizing the services of CBNG, operators can ensure they can take advantage of the new opportunities 5G FWA offers 24GHz to 47GHz, with an increased return on investment.

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Editorial contact:
Kent Scholla, Chief Marketing Officer at Curvalux


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