The lawn is a key component of residential landscaping and a requirement for any other kind of garden, serving as a lush carpet for the landscape. In a home garden, a decent lawn enhances the house’s appearance, beautifies it, boosts conveniences, and is more functional, all of which raise the property’s monetary value. A flower bed, border, shrubbery, specimen tree, or blooming shrub would look beautiful on the lawn.
Although one must take the appropriate precautions, maintaining a lawn is not extremely difficult because grass is one of the hardiest perennial herbs. A garden enthusiast would do well to keep in mind that a well-kept grass contributes 75% of a garden’s beauty. A lawn will quickly become unusable if it is not properly maintained.
The following is a list of the several grass maintenance guidelines:
- Grass weeding:
Controlling weeds is one of the most crucial maintenance tasks. Without careful monitoring or care, weeds will eventually outnumber lawn grass, the soil will deteriorate, and the grass will turn coarse. All weeds must be pulled up by the roots, and they must never be permitted to set seed.
- Lawn rolling
Rolling helps the grass firmly establish itself and maintains the level of the surface. Rolling the sandy, open soil after each weeding will be beneficial. When the ground is moist, rolling should be avoided. There are numerous varieties of lawn rollers on the market.
- Cutting the grass:
Another crucial procedure is the mowing of the lawn grass. The amount of growth dictates the frequency of mowing, which varies from season to season. However, throughout any season, grass shouldn’t be permitted to grow longer than 5 to 6 cm. You need to purchase a good machine which will cut evenly at the suitable height.
- Grass sweeping
After each mowing, a thorough sweep of the lawn is required to remove any cut grass that may have fallen from the mower box. Every morning, sweeping is also done to remove the garbage and fallen leaves.
- Lawn irrigation:
More effective than infrequent, heavy floods is frequent, moderate watering. In the winter, brush the dew into the grass by running the hosepipe over it before it evaporates. Use of sprinkler irrigation can save labour and water to a significant level.
- Lawn raking and scraping
An older grass may develop a hard crust and become matted and woody in the lowest portion. In the months of April and May, this lawn’s grass is scraped at the ground level with the use of a sickle. Raking is done after scraping to help break up the crust. When the grass is in good shape, the old runners are removed and the soil is aerated by strong, thorough raking in both directions.
- Lawn top dressing
After raking and scraping the grass, 3-5 cm of compost made of good garden soil, coarse sand, and cow dung are sprinkled over the surface. 100 kg of compost will be required for every 100 square metres to cover such depth. This ought to be added just before the monsoon season begins.
Your lawn will look lush and healthy if you use Lilydale Instant Lawn services and these top recommendations to routinely check on it, maintain it, remove any unwelcome surface detritus like dead leaves and twigs, and trim back any spots that provide too much shade.