You can also request a summary of documents and other files by uploading them. Claude accepts a maximum of five files at a time, each one no more than 10MB in size. The feature supports a variety of file types, including PDF, TXT, CSV, DOCX, PPTX, RTF, HTML, CSS, and many more. Claude doesn’t handle Excel spreadsheets, but you can convert one to a CSV file for upload.
At the prompt, click the paper clip icon and then select the file or files you want to upload. To get a summary of the file, click the button for Start a new chat. To ask a specific question, type your query at the prompt and then click the right arrow. Claude analyzes the file and generates the response.
As one example, upload a CSV file that contains names and addresses and then ask a specific question about the data, such as which people live in New York, and Claude will provide the answer.
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