British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday in New Delhi. Johnson visited the Sabarmati Ashram on Thursday where termed Mahatma Gandhi an extraordinary man who mobilized the principles of truth and non-violence to change the world for better. Johnson became the first prime minister of the UK to visit the Sabarmati Ashram.
Emphasising a “nation-first, India first” approach to decision-making, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said there cannot be any compromise on the unity and integrity of the country and that even decisions at the local level should be made on this touchstone. Modi’s comments in his address here to civil servants on the 15th Civil Services Day came against the backdrop of several communal incidents in the country in the recent days.
Delhi logged 965 fresh Covid cases in a day with a positivity rate of 4.71 per cent while one person died due to the infection, according to data shared by the city health department on Thursday. A total of 20,480 tests were conducted in the city a day ago, the data showed. Delhi had reported one death and 1,009 Covid cases on Wednesday, the maximum since February 10, with a positivity rate of 5.7 per cent. Gautam Buddh Nagar recorded 103 new cases of Covid-19 as the district accounted for over 50 per cent of the active infections in Uttar Pradesh, official data showed. According to data issued by the state health department, the number of active cases in Gautam Buddh Nagar stood at 467 while the total number of active infections in Uttar Pradesh was 856.
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