Samsung said on Friday that preorders for the Galaxy S22 series have more than doubled those of the Galaxy S21 series, with the Korean tech giant’s latest flagship smartphone series now available in global markets.
Samsung said the Galaxy S22 series and the Galaxy Tab S8 series of tablets, which was unveiled together with the phones earlier this month, saw more preorders within the first week than any other of the company’s smartphones and tablets to date.
Out of the three smartphones in the Galaxy S22 series — S22, S22 Plus, and S22 Ultra — the Ultra model was the most sought after, accounting for 60% of the sales from the series so far, the South Korean tech giant said.
Meanwhile, preorders for the Galaxy Tab S8, which also comes in three models — S8, S8 Plus, and S8 Ultra — also doubled that of its predecessor, with the Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra accounting for 50% of the sales for the latest tablet series, Samsung said.
While Samsung didn’t share the precise unit sales details for its latest gadgets, the company on Wednesday shared sales data from South Korea, in which it said presales for the Galaxy S22 series exceeded 1.02 million units in the country.
The Galaxy S22 Ultra has been the most popular model in the lineup so far in South Korea, accounting for approximately 60% of the presales figure, the company said. The Galaxy S22 Ultra comes with a designated slot for the S Pen, much like the now-discontinued Galaxy Note series.
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