Aviation industry veteran Sanjiv Kapoor appointed Jet Airways CEO


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Aviation veteran Sanjiv Kapoor will be the new chief executive officer of Jet Airways, said the airline on Friday.

Kapoor, who has previously worked as chief operating officer at and chief strategy and commercial officer at Vistara, resigned as president of Oberoi Hotels on Thursday, said the Economic Times.

stopped operations in April 2019. The Jalan-Kalrock consortium, comprising UAE-based entrepreneur Murari Lal Jalan and UK-based Kalrock Capital, was selected two years later to revive the airline.

Kapoor will join Jet on April 4. Earlier, the company appointed Sri Lankan Airlines chief Vipula Gunatileka as its chief financial officer.

“I am looking forward to getting back to aviation. Even though has been out of operation for three years, it still has a large fan base of loyal customers who miss it every day and can’t wait for it to take to the skies again,” PTI quoted Kapoor as saying.

“I always believe in investing in human capital and by having Sanjiv as the CEO and Vipula as the CFO, I am certain will reclaim its lost glory and surpass everyone’s expectation,” said Murari Lal Jalan, lead partner of the Jalan-Kalrock Consortium and proposed non-executive chairman of Jet Airways.

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